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Essential Foods - Meals, Treats Delights & Accessories
One mission: To improve and prolong the lives of dogs
Essential Foods series contains 10 different grain-free meals available and suitable for dogs' all life stages. The food is prepared according to dogs' anatomical needs, containing 74% - 88% of protein; fresh and dried lamb, deer, fish, chicken, duck, eggs, and the amount of fresh ingredients is between 42% to 55%. All the meals also contain carefully selected vegetables, berries, seeds, herbs, fruit, vitamins and minerals. The fresh ingredients' nutritional value is remained due to the low cooking temperature which is max 90 celsius degrees.
ESSENTIAL FOODS is British born, saluting the long-established connection between a quintessentially English countryside lifestyle and the superior quality of the local produce. We're proud that our range of meals is cooked and prepared in Britain, using a selection of ingredients sourced in England, Scotland or Wales. Having ESSENTIALS in your home is like having a piece of the countryside.
Whether your heart and home are filled with dogs or cats (or both…), we have the meals and treats which have been proudly prepared and cooked to make a distinct difference.
Some people assume we're too much, but we say thriving, joy and happiness should be a daily event around the bowl. With ESSENTIALS they are.
For every occasion there is a treat
Treats and delights have the magic to create many moments in life. With our exciting assortment, there'll certainly be more than one new favourite.
Whether a handy treat for your walks, a quick reward during training, a crazy delicacy, a long-lasting evening snack or something in between
we have it, and we love to share. The ESSENTIALS treats also complement our meals and standards.
Not only are they carefully selected for specific needs, but they're all BOF-approved, helping to keep the dog's blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.
BOF - Behaviour Optimizing Foods
ESSENTIALS meals is to keep the dog's blood sugar stable. When the dog's blood sugar is running low or high, significant mental and physical fluctuations occur. It's the same for humans, but even more so for dogs.
All our meals are composed with a view to preventing these fluctuations, creating a new standard of foods. The principle we have developed is BOF (Behavioural Optimising Foods) and has been extremely well received. Our high fresh meat content and the low cooking temperature mean your dog getsexceptional nutritional values compared to mass-branded pet foods. Serving ESSENTIALS will have a positive effect on the mental balance of your dog. Some people report seeing a dramatic transformation in their dog's behaviour, while others note a smaller change, however improvement is always seen.
ESSENTIAL-sarja sisältää kymmenen viljatonta ruokaa, koiran eri elämänvaiheisiin ja tarpeisiin. ESSENTIALilla on myös maistuvia herkkuja, jotka sopivat koiran palkitsemiseen, koulutukseen ja herkkuhetkiin. ESSENTIAL-ruoat valmistetaan koiran anatomisen tarpeen mukaan runsaalla määrällä proteiininlähteitä (74%-88% vaihtelee ruoittain); tuoretta ja kuivattua lammasta, peuraa, kalaa, kanaa, ankkaa ja kananmunaa, joista tuoreiden raaka-aineiden osuus vaihtelee 42-55%. Ruoat sisältävät myös tarkasti valikoituja kasviksia, marjoja, siemeniä, yrttejä, hedelmiä, vitamiineja ja mineraaleja. Täysin tuoreiden proteiininlähteiden ravintoarvot säilyvät ruoassa loistavasti sen matalan, korkeimmillaankin vain 90°c valmistuslämpötilan ansiosta.
Accessories for Your Dog
ESSENTIAL FOODS has been created with the vision of bringing you the good life. At the very heart of this is our range of meals and treats, but we didn't stop there. We went that extra mile to bring you accessories and supplements that make life easier and even more enjoyable. As always with a touch of luxury. Whether you're travelling, you live in the countryside or you're a townie who loves to roam the suburban streets, we have that little extra something for you.
The Omega-3 Oil
Our omega 3 supplement. 100% salmon oil from Norwegian farmed salmon. We are proud to share that the feedback from our customers shows that an extra supplement of omega 3 can be beneficial to dogs suffering from a dull coat, itching, joint problems or as a flavour enhancer for fussy eaters. Dosage: 5ml per 10 kg body weight corresponding to approx. half a tablespoon.
- The ingredients at a glance: 100% salmon
- The perfect match for: The dog who could benefit from an extra Omega-3
- When: With meals
- Why we love it: It's so rich in Omega-3
- BOF: No, but it has so much else going for it
- Why you should choose it: It's an extremely versatile supplement!
Mobility Blend
MOBILITY BLEND is a supplement that we are proud to have had on the shelves since day one!
We're delighted that the feedback we receive from our customers indicates that a daily supplement of MOBILITY BLEND can be hugely beneficial. The supplement contains collagen and MSM, among other ingredients.
Essential Foods High-Quality Dog Food brings the best out of your beloved dog - balanced behaviour and optimal health.
Try it, fall in love with it and join the pack!